It is not just about Association or Networking any more.
In short,
Association – Who you hang out with to grow
intellectually? Your source of information and wisdom
Networking – Who you hang out with to get
business? Your source of leads
And your tribe – Well, that’s different.
The buzz words now are:
Build your tribe
Community is everything
Find “your” people
Get the team together
Why is your tribe important?
It gives instant access to
community of peers and experts that enables you to fast track your business.
I was not able to pick up
large assignments or multiple assignments due to bandwidth issue.
Anyone who has done
projects for international clients based on individual capability can tell you
how the difficulty level gradually increases if you are working on two
different assignments with nearly same deadlines.
You have to stretch your
mind to understand multiple client's needs, expectations, use different skills
to execute and research several industries.
And when time is most
critical as all client deliverables are time bound with your reputation at stake, you only wish you had a ready team, your own tribe
Who qualify to be your tribe?
People with common
interests and values qualify to be your tribe provided you both have something
to give and take to achieve your respective outcomes
Your viewers, readers,
followers, prospects and customers can be part of your tribe who has a common
ground with you and shared mindset
They ideally should be able
to resonate with you, bond with you and trust you.
How to build your tribe?
I had two coaching
sessions, almost back to back on Thursday.
You just have to remember
the reasons for creating a strong tribe
When you invite people to
have deeper experiences with you, you are ready to scale
How big should your tribe be?
You should be able manage the size of your
tribe. Remember why they connected with you in the first place. So ideally
delegation or any other alternative does not quite work here.
Being proactive
Being productive
Being purposeful
How does it help your business?
Your tribe is your think tank.
They are your ready source for feedback of your products and services
Common interests and goals is a highly rewarding starting point
Your intention and their desire is perfectly in sync - that saves bandwidth in explaining core themes
They are your support system in every meet-up or workshop.
They are your ready customers for an entrepreneurial guide, a retreat, or digital products etc.
By meeting at regular interval, we only strive to achieve defined goals and in the process, the tribe acquires a skill or two
We have named our tribe BECKON Learning Community. That acknowledges the powerful existence of people who
have an established need to learn
Connect here to join our tribe.
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