
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Make Your Own Lane: Live Feedback On Financial Goals And Aligning Work

BECKON Aspirant Background:  

Masters; Extensive Corporate experience; Already earning online


The best investment on self is – Coaching. That is two times learning.

New Skill set - Challenge yourself

It is critical that you continue to acquire new skills set through online / Micro learning and social learning. Every alternate day, you got to be doing something new that you have not done earlier

I do not mean just these:

Create an info-graphic or face book cover page through canva design
Create a website in WIX
Create a blog spot
Twitter activation
Copywriting for email blast

I also mean these:

Write to corporate for contractual work
Try different sales pitches (Email drafts)
Refine your pitches based on response.
Practice referral marketing – not necessarily to close a deal but to see who takes your pitch seriously.

Image Credit: Canva Design

Personal Website 

WIX Site for your personal branding
Keep track of the time you take to build one end to end with content so that you can pitch your quote accordingly.
Your service offerings here should include freelancing, coaching and contractual with corporate

Advantages of writing an E-book

You micro learn – (A) E-book formatting (B) Kindle upload (C) Amazon sales
It becomes another service offering for your prospects 
The book brands you as the Go To person for that subject
Content for coaching – How to publish an e-book?

Portfolio for specific target audience

Increase your range of services to support one client end to end for high order value.

Financial Goals/ Financial Literacy

Read this at least 4 times please. Because this is important for all your future pitches for referral marketing/for  training different mindsets.

Your corporate pay package today should not be your yardstick at all to assess your overall earning potential or to set your earning target for a year.

Just remember, whatever is your earning target, you should be able to bid/ outreach for projects worth three times that amount in that period. Are you doing that now? You know the answer.

People never got rich by what they earn. They get wealthier by knowing what to do with what they earn. Because at the end of the day, our aim is not just to run the show, but also increase our net present value (NPV)

Change thought patterns. Again it is easier said than done. It will take time.

Write to for live feedback on your online journey for handy tips, learning road map, next steps, direction and if required, course correction.

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