
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Make Your Own Lane: Why You Need A Team To Execute Large Projects Virtually?

Here is what I do/ did for startups; corporations; first time entrepreneurs; fresh graduates; training firms so far

1] Business Plans
2] Feasibility Study
3] Sponsorship Proposal
4] Case Study
5] Marketing Strategy
6] Social Media Strategy
7] Call Script - Telemarketing
8] Storyboard for presentations
9] Pitch Deck
10] Learning Modules for Diploma Students (Instructional Design) (With Team) - Including "Accounting"
11] E-book
12] Blog writing
13] Business Coaching - I answer one critical question relating to client's business (Based on my experience or relevant research)
14] Social Media Plan
15] Social Media Management (With Team)
16] Screen play for Advertisement - Creative storyboard 
17] Business Name 
18] Consulting for BPO
19] Investment Offer
20] Visual Communication (In Presentations) - Shaping storyboard through format and visuals
21] Market research
22] Startup Checklist (Over 200 action items)
23] Investor Checklist (Over 50 investors)
24] Leadership Profiles for website
25] Website - Identifying critical pages
26] Website - Critical review (My perspectives on client's existing website)
27] Website - Content Development
28] Marketing Brochure - Two Pages
29] Managed client's business platform - ZOHO
30] Elevator Pitch (100/ 150 words in 45 to 60 seconds)

Over a period of time, there are 10 more skills/ services that can fetch regular clients (online and offline) with a team

31] Email Campaigns
32] Resume Writing
33] Virtual Assistance 
34] Transition support
35] Pre sales support
36] Digital Marketing (End to end)
37] Guest posts and Ghost Writing
38] Webinar
39] Action Learning Projects (Identify Issue, Team in large corporations - We drive the project towards actionable solution)

There are 10 more skills that I want from the team I am building:

1] Web designing
2] Logo designing
3] App development
4] Crowdfunding
5] Voice Support
6] Search Engine Optimization
7] Financial Planning - Individual and business
8] Whitepaper - Professional standards 
9] e-books - BECKON Series
10] Case Studies - BECKON Series

My current focus this year: Coaching only.

Image Credit: Canva Design
BECKON Coach will follow the same pattern - the 4 quadrant pricing - both for clients or students

Option 1: Free nuggets of your wisdom (If this is not good enough, will anyone want to associate with you?)

Option 2: Booklet ($40) - Prospect will Self Learn 

Option 3: Coaching ($150) - Guided Learning adhering to the booklet/ building prospect's habit and skill coaching, if required.

In 10 months you do not teach your prospect "All that you know" - They may not be ready. You begin with what they "Want to learn" and later steer towards learning that will lead to their outcomes. During these 10 months, you know everything about your learner so that you can steer in the right direction.
 BECKON Framework is learner centric.

Option 4: Outcomes ($550)  - Outcomes driven learning - You need not share client's details however in this option, you should be willing to share mails exchanged with client (without sharing  IP) to prove a point, feedback received, interesting case studies - all directed to mentally train prospect 

In this option, it is not just about "skill", but "will" otherwise you cannot lead the prospect to their outcomes)
Unlearning is the key here.
 Minutes of call/ Call highlights are critical for this framework.

Write to if you think you qualify to join our team based on your skills

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